Monday, December 30, 2019

The Ethical Dilemma Of Artificial Nutrition And Hydration...

In this paper the writer will describe the ethical dilemma of artificial nutrition and hydration in terminally ill patient. Artificial nutrition is very important in terminal ill patients in their end stage of life. It is very helpful to provide nutrients and fluids to the patient who is unable to take it by himself. In palliative units, AHN help to enhance the comfort and quality of care of patient. The purpose of this paper is to narrate how ethical issues can become challenging for health professional, patient and their family members. In following paragraph the writer will explain the ethical dilemma in relation to Islamic view, patient with advance stage of Alzheimer’s disease, permanent vegetative state, nurses and physician opinion on AHN, nurses and physician provide AHN according to their culture beliefs. The theme of following literatures is that to stop or discontinue the artificial nutrition and hydration because it is not much beneficial for patient with advanced disease conditions. In first finding, there are many factors that influence decisions about withholding and â€Å"withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration include the attitudes, religious beliefs, and cultural identity of the patient, family, and healthcare providers; the cost of treatment; legal issues; and ethical and moral considerations† (Sami, 2014). In this, ethical issues occur between health professional and Islamic patient family member. In the palliative care unit doctors mainly focus toShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Artificial Nutrition On Health Professionals981 Words   |  4 Pagesand water. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Influencs of Mexican Drug Cartels on Every Day Life in...

EQ: How have Mexican cartels changed life for the everyday person in Mexico and what can the government do to stop their influence for future generations? The Mexican drug war has been going on for many decades now affecting many generations. Drug trafficking has gain more power by its sinister leaders that maintain power at all cost. This affects how mexico is perceived in the United States and rest of the world. The drug cartels have been taking advantage of Mexicans poor education rates to persuade young Mexican males to joying their cartel in order to keep power. As longs the main leader arent capture the cartels are going to keep on controlling Mexico. The Mexican drug war has been going on for about two decades creating such a prosperous business for its leader and main partnerships. This has created a society in which people live in fear and consternation since the cartels have started a fight to be the most powerful and dominating cartel in Mexico. The Mexican government priority shouldnt be a reform on its education programs to try preventing its youth to fall on hands of the deadly cartels. Drug trafficking has been going on in Mexico for a long time caused by economic instability among Mexican population but it has also been sparked by its neighbor country laws and prohibitions. The United States prohibition on alcohol of the 1920’s that eliminated the consumption of alcohol to prevent crimes and alcoholism. The United states created the unpopular

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ethics and the Oil Industry Free Essays

As the US Economy continues to dive, unemployment persists at a level not seen since the Great Depression, and the US Federal Government sees fit to continually bailout big business, it escapes logic why the cost of oil once again, is on the rise. The US oil companies would have us believe it has to do with the Middle East oil producing nations cutting back on production, therefore raising the price. The energy traders at the New York Stock Exchange shrug it off to supply and demand. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and the Oil Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many theorize that America has billions of surplus barrels of oil. I believe it is pure greed from these entities. With so many Americans struggling to survive and just keep food on the table, would it not be ethical to enact a type of moratorium on fuel prices? With the Freedom of Information Act working in full force, it is simple to find information on the World Wide Web that most industries would rather not have located. Take for example, the oil industry. As the price of gas at the pump changes daily, US oil companies continue to rake in huge profits. Even in the wake of the recent oil spill which has had a global affect, BP Oil, â€Å"the London-based company earned $1. 9 billion from July through September, compared with $5. 3 billion a year earlier. But the fact that BP returned to profits at all, coming after a loss of $17. 2 billion in the second quarter, indicated the company’s operations remain solid despite the spill† (Wardell, 2010). This company set aside $40 Billion for the pending lawsuits and cleanup and helping to restore the affected economies. I do not know, how about dropping the price at the pump if the company really wants to effectively help out? It is speculated this spill will be felt for years to come. I wonder how many remember the Exxon Valdez spill caused by a drunken ship captain†¦ As congressional leaders begun having many meetings to discuss this issue, the oil company CEOs continue to lay claim a huge percentage of the profits (of course no dollar figure was given), is for creating new energy sources, really? Where are the charts and PowerPoint diagrams that consumers can review to ease our minds while we are again, paying between $3. 00 and $4. 00 for a gallon of gas? I find it interesting that when asked, not one executive was forthcoming with information related to the quarterly dividend payments to the stockholders. I am always flabbergasted by the laundry list of excuses these executives dribble out of their mouths. Two of my personal favorites are, 1: Twice a year, each oil company shuts off part of their refinery distribution for routine maintenance. Sure enough, for two to four weeks the price of a gallon of gas will jump 10 to 20 cents. What I find interesting is when the price starts to drop again; why does the price not drop the entire amount of the increase? I have personally watched several of these inquisitions on the C-Span channel. I wonder why during the Senate/oil company meetings, this question is never asked. 2: The oil producing countries are cutting production to inflate prices. I think the United States Government believes the American public is clueless as to what is really going on. The congressional leaders raise their voice and appear to grill the oil execs with questions and when the meeting is over, it is a slap-on-the-wrist and â€Å"stop doing that! †, and life continues as it does. The Senate meeting appears to have been nothing more than a â€Å"dog and pony† show for the American public. Society needs to remember that congressional leaders do not have to pay for their own fuel. It continues to beg the question, who is watching out for the rest of us that do have to pay at the pump? It certainly will not be the futures traders at the New York Stock Exchange. For those who do not understand futures, this is when traders speculate on the price of specific commodities such as Gold, Orange Juice and oil. Traders buy or sell based on what they believe will be the price by a certain date. Based on this type of fabricated speculation, the value of the dollar and supposed turmoil around the world, this can have a serious effect on the price of oil, or so we are lead to believe. â€Å"In California, over a 21 month period, October 2006 to June 2008, a gallon of gas rose from $2. 29 to $4. 59 a gallon† (Herszenhorn, 2008). On a network-news website in Tallahassee, Florida, the lead article said, â€Å"Congress is poised to investigate what role speculators are playing in rising gas prices. It went on to say, â€Å"The prices keep climbing. The price at this Tallahassee station was 10 cents cheaper just six days ago. Panama City stations are even worse where the price of gas Monday jumped 10 cents a gallon just Monday afternoon. † (Ray, May 2008). In April of 2008, Governors from several states called on the White House, the Energy and Justice Departments to begin an investig ation into insider trading, illegal price fixing and speculator manipulation. This included collusion within the oil companies. Amazingly, by November 24, 2008, a gallon of gas was $1. 71 a gallon. Everyone was so relieved of the incredible price drop, no one bothered to ask the oil companies how it was possible that gas could drop $2. 87 a gallon in five months when it took 21 months to increase $2. 30. I suppose we will never know. I suppose I would not fret if I was one who had a lot of stock in any oil company. For all the posturing the US Congress seems to have perfected to an art form, there are still many unanswered questions when the discussion surrounding energy and oil surface. In a New York Times article, the overall point was once again, no concise ideas of how to deal with the price of oil situation. Of course, the article talked about a lot of finger pointing towards OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries). The article stated, â€Å"High on the list of Congressional Democrats own proposals is an eight-year old bill first introduced by Senator Herb Kohl of Wisconsin in 2000, that would classify the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries as an illegal monopoly in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act† (Herszenhorn, May 2008). It went on to say, â€Å"The Republicans, meanwhile, recycled some of their old proposals to increase domestic production, with bills that would allow drilling in the Arctic, as well as in the Atlantic and Pacific, and would mandate increased production of fuel derived from coal† (Herszenhorn, May 2008). All we hear is more rhetoric and no ideas how to help the consumer. This is not only an ethical issue; it points the arrow of social responsibility to the Government that should have the American public’s best interests at heart. As of this month, November 2010, â€Å"The number of unemployed persons, at 14. million, was little changed in October. The unemployment rate remained at 9. 6 percent and has been essentially unchanged since May† (BLS, November 2010). And yet, fuel prices still continue to rise. In Addition, the environment will continue to suffer as talks continue about drilling in North America to distance ourselves from foreign oil. Unable to locate t he article, my father told me about a news article he read several years ago that came from the oil industry. The premise was if the US no longer needed foreign oil or were to even be able to cut usage by one third, the global economy would fall apart. It sure is hard to believe that every time I pull up to the pump to fill the tank†¦ It would seem from not just a national perspective but also a global perspective, we as consumers are in a situation that will never change. As consumers look to the Federal Government to reign in the oil companies, the price at the pump continues to rise. It is difficult to know who is lying and telling the truth as it relates to oil. In addition, what becomes the cutoff point when I am deciding what price I am willing to pay at the pump? It seems clear that our government will not be helping to curb oil price increases. OPEC will continue to do as they see fit and the US oil companies will raise prices as every holiday approaches and/or for whatever reason they see fit. Does it really matter? When it comes to the price of oil, the consumer cannot get the straight truth out of anyone. As we continue to read in the news about the push for alternative energy sources, the discussion continues among my friends that getting away from oil will probably never happen, in our lifetime. How to cite Ethics and the Oil Industry, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

I Know WhyThe Caged Bird Sings Essay Summary Example For Students

I Know WhyThe Caged Bird Sings Essay Summary I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By: Maya Angelou When I started reading I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, I thought that it was a little boring at first but I thought that it was about a young African-American girl who tells her troubles in life as she grows up. I changed my mind about my thoughts on this book because I started reading it more I began to like it better and I was more into the book. My favorite part of the book was when Maya started to open up to the world again and began by doing so by talking to Mrs. Bertha Flowers. I was confused by why Margaret and Bailey were sent back to stamps after the incident, with Marguerite being raped, with Mr. Freeman. Because if their parents loved them and could now afford to support them why couldnt they now stay with them? I was surprised when Mr. Freeman had began to sexually abuse and rape Maya because I didnt think that he would do such a thing to his girlfriends daughter, and who would have thought that hed be such a cruel person to do that to a young helpless girl that didnt know right from wrong at the time. I predict that Maya will finally fully overcome her rape and live a better life. I liked the way the writer put a lot of emotions into her writing because it tells a lot about the character and how the character feels. I didnt like that Marguerite and Bailey were sent to Mommas because their parents couldnt take care of them because children should feel loved and wanted by their parents and a real family should stick together through thick and thin no matter what. If I wrote this book I would change the way that Bailey became distant from Maya because they had such a special bond, and a bond like that between brother and sister shouldnt have deteriorated like that. This book reminded me of a scared and lonely, helpless child who was raped by someone she trusted and didnt know that it was wrong at the time. I would like to read another book by this writer because she deals with many things that our true and real in our society. I would recommend this book to a friend because its a good book to read to understand what rape can do to a young child both emotionally and physically, which doesnt just happen to young children but to teenagers and adults also. This book made me feel sorry for Maya for the hardships she went through going up especially being raped and not knowing what to do about it at all. This book made me think a lot about racism, sexual abuse and rape of a young girl, and the strong beliefs in Christianity in African-American life. This book made me realize that rape has a major effect on a young girl and it then leads the person into a different life then they would have. Also, that racism was a lot different and harder to deal with then. While I was reading I pictured a young African-American girl who was raped and decided to shut the world out of her life but to later grow and let the world back in her life and start to be happy again. The most important thing about this book is that it tells about how rape to a young child can affect their life. Id like to tell the writer that she did a very good job in writing this book and that I admire her for writing about her life and the hardships shes gone through. Id like to ask the writer what happened to her and her son later on in life. .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f , .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .postImageUrl , .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f , .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f:hover , .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f:visited , .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f:active { border:0!important; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f:active , .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubf887a8111f9927e64ac9730ef150b3f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Karl Marx Argumentative Essay And did it help a lot more to tell your story to others and get your feelings out about your hardships. If I were Momma, I wouldnt have let Maya go back to visit her mother because I would have been a little scared that the same incident as last time would have happened, even though Mr. Freeman is dead I would still be worried. Also, I would have shown Marguerite and Bailey some more affection towards them. What happened in this book was very realistic because many children are sexually abused and raped in this day in age and racism is still going on today. My least favorite character was Mr. Freeman because he sexual abused and raped young Marguerite, when she didnt know that he was doing something very wrong to her at the time. I admire Momma for taking care of Marguerite and Bailey when no one else would. One thing Ive noticed about the authors style is that she expresses what the characters are feeling and how they try to deal with certain situations. If I could be any character in this book, I would be Momma because she took care of Marguerite and Bailey when no one else could or would and she was always there for people when they needed her. I agree with the writer about how racism is an ongoing problem in the world and people should just accept it and deal with it respectively and that rape and sexual abuse are also major factors today that can be very hard to deal with especially if its a young victim. I think the title is a good choice for this book because it seems that shes telling us that she knows why rape and racism are problems today because she herself had to deal with them in the past. A better title for this book would be My life of love, trials, and tribulations: A story by Maya Angelou because this book was an autobiography of Maya Angelou and the hardships that she went through as a child, teenager, and adult and the love that was shared throughout her life. I would change the ending to tell what happened later on in life to Maya and her son. In my opinion, the most important paragraph in this book is My race groaned. It was our people falling. It was another lynching, yet another Black man hanging from a tree. One more woman ambushed and raped. A Black boy whipped and maimed. It was hounds on the trail of a man running through slimy swamps. It was a white woman slapping her maid for being forgetful. This is an important paragraph because just one fight between a black man and a whit man is the basis of the African-Americans hope of freedom. Momma reminds me of myself because like her Im always or mostly there for people when they need me. Annie Henderson Momma reminds me of somebody I know because its reminds me of my grandmother who at a young age, her and her brothers and sisters, were sent to a orphanage after her mother died and her father could not take care of them anymore. And, when she was old enough to leave the orphanage she then got a job and supported her younger sister and older brothers and her father. And to this day she is a very supportive and loving person. If I could talk to Maya, I would say that I think shes a very brave person, whom I admire, to deal with her rape and also dealing with racism. When I finished this book, I still wondered what happened to her and her son later on in life. Did she ever find happiness and get married? This book was similar to other books by this writer because it had to do with similar things that go on in our society. I think the main thing the writer was trying to say is that rape is a very hard thing for a young child to deal with and they need to feel loved and wanted and not that they feel dirty to you. Also, that racism was hard on our society then and it still is sometimes today.